Dentists and the Big Decision

Some years ago now our youngest son Chris was working towards an undergraduate degree in business at UMKC. As an exercise for one of his marketing classes, they were to create a business plan and website for a hypothetical venture. He chose The premise was that if you were agonizing over some decision and just needed a little common sense advice, you could submit your situation to him online and for a small fee, he would give you an opinion. For example; “in a neighborhood of taupe houses, would it be OK to paint my house purple?” Or what about; “our second child is on the way. What do you think about us buying a new Mazda Miata or would a minivan be a better call?” Frankly, given some of the choices that most of us have made, I thought it was a pretty good idea and was convinced that there would be no shortage of material. While the questions sounded absurd, I have seen purple houses and child car seats in Miatas. Someone should have used!

Sooner or later there comes a time in a dentist’s career when some decisions need to be made about the transition or closing of their practice. The years spent honing your clinical craft is very little preparation for evaluating various end-of-career scenarios. “Should I just expect to Lock and Leave?” “Should I look for an associate to come in and eventually buy me out (otherwise known as the 5% solution)?” “What is an honest assessment of what my practice is worth?” “How do I find a buyer?” “Can I afford to retire?” “Who would represent my interests and my interests only in the event of a sale?”

Having seen dentists make some “Purple House” decisions, wouldn’t it be nice if there was an for this situation? If you are considering retirement, wouldn’t it be nice if there was someone you could call whose company had well over 200 sales in this area over the last 20 years and could be objective about the marketability of your practice? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could speak with someone that has experience in court-tested appraisals that could assure you a fair valuation of your life’s work? Wouldn’t it be nice to call someone that lectures to and interacts with students and young dentists and could help find the right person to carry on your legacy? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was someone in your area who regularly works with lenders, attorneys and accountants who have experience in dental practice sales and (this is a big one) has actually sold someone else’s dental practice? And finally, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a person that has been in your shoes not only as a dentist but also as a buyer and a seller? Let me assure you there is.

Call me at 816-358-6782 or send an email to [email protected]. Frankly I’m saddened to repeatedly hear stories about failed associateships, false hope, dead ends and bogus “appraisals”. At NO CHARGE OR OBLIGATION I will meet with you face-to-face and discuss your situation. I’ll buy lunch, coffee or a beer and we’ll talk. Be assured that our conversation will be completely confidential. If I can help you and we can do business together, great. If I can help you and we don’t do business together, that’s fine too. Either way, I promise that you will know more about marketability, value and possible transition scenarios than when we started. Maybe, just maybe, that minivan will start to feel like the better choice.

Steve, Wolff, DDS

UMKC Class of 1977

PS: Chris successfully graduated and went on to get his MBA from the Bloch School at UMKC and his Certified Financial Planner ™ certification. He now works for KHC Wealth Management, a financial planning firm in Overland Park, Kansas as an investment analyst. It’s amazing how far a little common sense can take you!